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The goal and purpose of having a writer's therapist/mentor is to work through those tough spots in your writing that hold you back or keep you from finding and understanding your voice whether for a particular piece of work or your work in general.

Working with a writer's therapist/mentor is to give you the opportunity to express and work through your concerns, those nagging doubts about your work or your abilities (which let's face it is part and parcel of being a creative), places you might be stuck on either in the piece your writing or in general or working to maintain your fluidity as a writer.

Book a discover call to see what's best for you ---->>> Interest Form so you can tell me a little about yourself.

*I work with both authors and screenwriters..

Read more about: CK Love.

All one on one sessions held over ZOOM. All sessions are private one-on-ones.

"I have been working with CK for several months now, which has brought to light some deep insights into my artistic process and my true creative focus. The more we work together to uncover blocks interfering with accessing my authentic voice..." read further in Testimonials

The most fundamental aggression to ourselves, the most fundamental harm we can do to ourselves, is to remain ignorant by not having the courage and the respect to look at ourselves honestly and gently. ~ Pema Chodron

At Restless Spirit you are encouraged to investigate your own creative uniqueness. Through the sharing of her work, whether it is enticement of the potential changes you can make through the sessions she offers or inspiration through her projects, CK hopes to bring you to a place of courage, fortitude, confidence and commitment to be your own person and follow the path of your own creative journey.


Anyone can do this.

Here at Restless Spirit you will find CK Love's writing and projects as a filmmaker, and programs for writing, yoga and meditation that CK offers to assist you along your creative journey.

Thanks for submitting!

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