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To be a guest on the podcast, please go to the link below (Interest Form) and fill out the form.

I want to find women for guests on my podcast who have stories to tell about how they are defying our societies demands on women in midlife. Demands to disappear, to go quietly, to accept their place that is no place. Women who defy the antiquated notion that as women age they become less useful, less valuable, and the only power we ever had was our youth.  Women coming out into the light and do it in their own way, carving out space for themselves that not redefine them, but rather find the manifestation of the real essence of the human buried beneath the expectations of society. 

This is a RAW AND OFF-THE-CUFF discussion with me and a guest.

MIDLIFE ON FIRE© published 2021 and 2022.

Get it in paperback or ebook HERE or HERE!

Copyright 2022, The GLOW Project, MIDLIFE ON FIRE. All Rights Reserved.


A segment of the Midlife on Fire Podcast

The idea behind MIDLIFE AT MIDNIGHT is to showcase the voices and experiences of women in midlife. The stories must be about something from your midlife years (40s, 50s, 60s). It could be about a realization about what happened when you were younger whether it's about what you were taught or told, or an incident, that informs you in your midlife. Or about something that happened in your midlife, a change in your life that informs you now or you came to a realization. (For ideas, please grab yourself a copy of either volumes of Midlife on Fire: Risky Business. Real Stories. Women Writers).


When you're ready, use the link below to fill out the Interest Form. Be sure to articulate what the story is about in a short and concise couple of sentences on the form. (The story is to be no more than 3 pages, 1 spacing, 12pt Times Roman.)

You will receive submission instructions so you can submit your story for consideration to be read on the Midlife on Fire Podcast.


I will not read them ALL on the podcast, so I may not get to yours.

If you have any questions, when you fill out the form (click the link above), you can ask me then.

 ~ CK

At Restless Spirit you are encouraged to investigate your own creative uniqueness. Through the sharing of her work, whether it is enticement of the potential changes you can make through the sessions she offers or inspiration through her projects, CK hopes to bring you to a place of courage, fortitude, confidence and commitment to be your own person and follow the path of your own creative journey.


Anyone can do this.

Here at Restless Spirit you will find CK Love's writing and projects as a filmmaker, and programs for writing, yoga and meditation that CK offers to assist you along your creative journey.

Thanks for submitting!

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