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Welcome to The Radiant Writer Meditation Practice Page

Please sit on a cushion or an evenly folded blanket or in a chair that helps you sit upright.

Sit nice and tall with your hands in your lap or on your knees palms up or down.

You can sit up against a wall if you need to.

Your upright posture will help keep you present and centred.

Meditation 1

A 5-minute meditation for your daily practice.

To be able to sit for 5 minutes and clear your mind is crucial in life. For a writer/creative, it is a way to allow for those nagging voices to dissipate and for you to become more centred in order to create.

Meditation 2

A 15-minute meditation on non-attachment.

Practising non-attachment will ease the panic that arrives from expectation, identity, and disappointment. Practice this daily in order to clear your mind so that you can create.

At Restless Spirit you are encouraged to investigate your own creative uniqueness. Through the sharing of her work, whether it is enticement of the potential changes you can make through the sessions she offers or inspiration through her projects, CK hopes to bring you to a place of courage, fortitude, confidence and commitment to be your own person and follow the path of your own creative journey.


Anyone can do this.

Here at Restless Spirit you will find CK Love's writing and projects as a filmmaker, and programs for writing, yoga and meditation that CK offers to assist you along your creative journey.

Thanks for submitting!

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